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Why Retroshtern?

chrome parts


Our mission is to make a part better than original: curveless, flat surface from different angles when looking towards the light.

chrome parts restoration


We cover the matter of transportation. We guarantee none of the parts will be lost as we are the ones who take the order and deliver it back. This is due appreciation of a feedback and face-to-face communication with our partners.

parts rechrome


Among our clients we are known as fast-paced company. If you find yourself in a need of prompt services, we may be able to meet your deadline. Contact our team for details.



Galvanic projects

Our galvanic projects. See our collection for yourself.

Full restoration projects

Here we will upload our full car restoration projects.

Parts production

If you are in need of a non-standard part, we may be able to help you out. Check our collection of replicas.

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Revive your car

She deserves the second chace


Revive your car

She deserves the second chance


Contact Us

We will provide you more information answering any questions you may have and create an effective solution for your problem. Fill in the form below for general enquiries or contact our team for customer support.


Cell: +370 614 48 360

Eišiškių pl. 127
Vilnius, Lithuania

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© 2018 by Retroshtern

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